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  • Welcome to Programming_info!!

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    we provid you daily with a new question and it's solution.
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  • Welcome to Programming_info!!

    Here you will get questions as well as there solutions.
    we provid you daily with a new question and it's solution.
    we have codechef and hackerrank solution for beginner now.

  • Welcome to Programming_info!!

    Here you will get questions as well as there solutions.
    we provid you daily with a new question and it's solution.
    we have codechef and hackerrank solution for beginner now.

  • Welcome to Programming_info!!

    Here you will get questions as well as there solutions.
    we provid you daily with a new question and it's solution.
    we have codechef and hackerrank solution for beginner now.

Doubly_Linked_List||Insert_front && Delete_front||programming_info

 Solution using C Language:#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct dnode{int info;struct dnode*prev;struct dnode*next;};void insert_front(struct dnode **p,int item){struct dnode *temp;temp=(struct dnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct dnode));temp->prev=NULL;temp->info=item;temp->next=NULL;struct dnode *q;q=*p;if(q==NULL){*p=temp;}else{temp->next=q;q->prev=temp;*p=temp;}}void...

Singly_Linked_List||Insert Rear and Delete Rear||programming_info

 Solution using C language:#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct node{int info;struct node*link;};void insert_rear(struct node **p,int item){struct node *temp;temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));temp->link=NULL;temp->info=item;if(*p==NULL){*p=temp;}else{struct node *q;q=*p;while(q->link!=NULL){q=q->link;}q->link=temp;}}void...

Singly_Linked_List||Insert front and Delete front||programming_info

  Solution using C language:#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct node{    int info;    struct node*link;};void insert_front(struct node **p,int item){    struct node *temp;    temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct...


Recommended platforms

  1. codechef
  2. hackerrank
  3. codeforces
  4. leetcode
  5. hackerearth

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