Guess_The _Number | Programming_info || python_series_03

 Rules For the game:

1. change the number range from 1 to 1000000

2. Game should ask us to change a number

3.Give a clue of the number is higher or lower than the guess

 4. inform the player if he won 

Code using Python:

from random import randint

start = 1

end = 500

value = randint(start, end)

print("The computer choose the number between ", start, "and", end)

guess = None

while guess != value:

    text = input("Guess the number : ")

    guess = int(text)

    if guess < value:

        print("The number is higher")

    elif guess > value:

        print("The number is lower")

print("Congratulations !!! you guessed the number ! You won")


The computer choose the number between  1 and 500

Guess the number : 250

The number is higher

Guess the number : 375

The number is higher

Guess the number : 450

The number is lower

Guess the number : 400

The number is higher

Guess the number : 425

The number is lower

Guess the number : 410

The number is lower

Guess the number : 405

The number is lower

Guess the number : 402

The number is higher

Guess the number : 404

The number is lower

Congratulations !!! you guessed the number ! You won


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